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Master Classes


This interactive master class explores the joys, disciplines, and artistry of dance by exposing the youth to different styles of dance and energy (tap, modern, jazz, hip hop).



By using improvisational games and group-oriented activities, this master class opens channels to creative expression.  These techniques promote attention to both visual and auditory senses as well as introduce students to the importance of acceptance, understanding, and multi-tasking.



This class teaches vocal warm-ups and breathing techniques to help youth discover their vocal range while opening their minds to hearing music in new and exciting ways.


Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre combines all of the disciplines - movement, acting, and vocalization.  This master class utilizes tools from the other three master classes and goes one step further to put it all together, exploring how you can move and sing.


Tips for Skits

A workshop that teaches young people to create, develop, and produce presentations taking experiences from their daily life and exploring them through the arts.  This workshop can also enhance the teacher with the possibility of approaching curriculum with the same artistic expression.


Listen Up

A workshop that teaches active listening strategies.  The goal is to enhance comprehension by using motivation, inspiring acting techniques, and providing the teacher with several acting exercises that when applied to a particular lesson plan, will aid retention and comprehension.


What's On Your Mind?

A workshop that reviews the performance, fosters communication about the specific topics covered in the show, and brainstorms other prevention activities students can promote in their school, such as SADD Chapters, parent networks, and Contracts for Life.  It is an open forum that will bridge the teacher/student relationship and provide the teacher with an insightful look into students' thought and some effectivee ways to break communication barriers.

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